954_seedUNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, 6-8 NOVEMBER 2017In 1997, the University of Melbourne hosted a major international conference on ‘Environmental Justice: Global Ethics for the 21st Century. In 2017, the Sydney Environment Institute at the University of Sydney will host an anniversary event, focused on both a retrospective look at environmental justice scholarship and activism and the prospects and themes for current and future work in the field. What have we learned, and what are the challenges, trends, and directions for environmental justice theories, movements and campaigns, and institutions and politics?The 2017 conference, like the earlier one, will have a global and interdisciplinary focus, and will also bring together scholars and activists addressing EJ in human communities and those focused on nonhuman nature.Paper proposals are welcome in any area of environmental justice research and practice, though we encourage work that combines the ‘looking back, looking forward’ theme.Other themes may include the following, many of which were on the original Melbourne agenda:

  • EJ As A Global Ethic: 20 Years Later
  • Agricultural and Food Justice
  • Climate Justice
  • Comparative EJ and the Australian Case
  • EJ and Black Lives Matter
  • EJ and Environmental Health
  • EJ and Environmental Governance
  • EJ, Extraction, and Resource Colonialism
  • EJ in the Anthropocene
  • EJ and Greening Cities
  • Feminism, Ecofeminism, and Environmental Justice
  • Indigenous Perspectives of Justice and Nature
  • (In)Justices Of Infrastructure and Supply Chains
  • Justice, Capitalism, and the Environmental Crisis
  • Justice In Disasters, Adaptation and Resilience
  • Justice, Transition, and Transformation
  • EJ in Policy, Law, Institutions and Administration
  • Methodologies and the Study of EJ
  • Multispecies Justice: Nonhuman Animals, Species, Ecosystems
  • Scholars and Activists – Strategies and Practices of Working Together

For more information abstract submission guidelines, click here.