Meet our TEDC Scholars: Corey Chao, MFA Transdisciplinary Design

CHAO-Headshot (Square)Corey Chao, an MFA candidate in Transdicplinary Design at Parsons was one of the four students who were chosen to be a TEDC Scholar for 2016-2017.Corey comes from a diverse background working in ethnography, film, and digital media. His TEDC Scholars project will focus on exploring ways participatory media can lead to the creation of new community engagement tools, especially those dealing with contentious or very difficult issues, like climate displacement. The project will explore a range of current community-engaged planning and design projects and experiment with participatory multimedia narratives in one or two New York neighborhoods facing extreme flooding and sea-level rise.He plans to work with TEDC to make video updates about his and TEDC Scholars works in progress throughout the year, with each focusing on a particular theme. Audio content, such as TEDC Scholars interviews, podcasts with faculty or visiting practitioners.