Filtering by: webinar

ONLINE | Building Climate Justice Leadership: A Centering Justice Webinar
1:00 PM13:00

ONLINE | Building Climate Justice Leadership: A Centering Justice Webinar

1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Online (Zoom)

What does it mean to build ethical alignment in the knowledge economy? How do university practitioners best uplift local knowledge without extraction? How can we train students and change-makers to be leaders and champions for justice through 2060 and beyond?

The Building Climate Justice Leadership panel discussion will address these critical questions, aiming to advance thinking and action related to the growing and supporting the future of climate justice leadership. The event will have a panel discussion and then open for Q&A with webinar participants. We hope you will join us.

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Plastics & The Future Of Our Planet: A Conversation With Bill McKibben and Elizabeth Kolbert
7:00 PM19:00

Plastics & The Future Of Our Planet: A Conversation With Bill McKibben and Elizabeth Kolbert

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | Join for a conversation about plastics and the future of our planet with environmental leader and author, Bill McKibben, and Pullitzer prize-winning journalist, Elizabeth Kolbert, moderated by Beyond Plastics president and former U.S. EPA regional administrator, Judith Enck.

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ONLINE | Watershed Wednesdays Series: The Environmental Justice Movement in New Jersey
5:00 PM17:00

ONLINE | Watershed Wednesdays Series: The Environmental Justice Movement in New Jersey

Please join us for a conversation about environmental justice with Dr. Ana Baptista. We’ll talk about what environmental justice is, New Jersey’s Environmental Justice Law and what it means, what’s next for the EJ movement in New Jersey, and the role that allies can play. 

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ONLINE | Why Zoning Matters
6:30 PM18:30

ONLINE | Why Zoning Matters

Join CMEJ, Ana Baptista & Danielle Swift in discussing why zoning matters!

Zoning is one of the most important functions of city law. As zoning was established nearly 100 years ago in many cities across the country, it has historically played a major role in the segregation and concentration of unwanted polluters in lower-income and communities of color.

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Earth Crisis and the Global Environmental Movement
to Aug 13

Earth Crisis and the Global Environmental Movement

Co-hosted by the Global Studies Association of North America and the Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management Program, "Earth Crisis and the Global Environmental Movement" is a five-day virtual conference bringing together a wide range of scholars, scholar-activists, and civil society and social movement organizers focused on global studies and politics, global crises and systemic change, global governance, global political ecology and political economy, and global social, environmental and climate justice.

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Creating Public Spaces: Centering Youth Environmental Justice Panel
5:00 PM17:00

Creating Public Spaces: Centering Youth Environmental Justice Panel

This community conversation will address the importance of involving youth in the creation of public spaces and its implications for the environmental justice movement. By considering the experiences of current and former WHEELS students, this discussion will demonstrate pathways to meaningful action and highlight the institutional barriers that remain as obstacles to this type of advocacy.

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[EXTERNAL] Making Change: Women Designing an Environmentally Just Future
11:00 AM11:00

[EXTERNAL] Making Change: Women Designing an Environmentally Just Future

Libby Washburn, Special Assistant to the President for Native Affairs at the White House, will be the keynote speaker at the conference, Women Designing an Environmentally Just Future, to be held on the NJIT campus and virtually on March 25. The conference will focus on the communities hit first and hardest by climate change and environmental degradation, while highlighting the work of local leaders to reverse the damage.

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ONLINE | Afro-Asian Solidarity Politics
6:00 PM18:00

ONLINE | Afro-Asian Solidarity Politics

When 29 leaders from Africa and Asia met in Bandung in 1955, their purpose was to define a common vision of the postcolonial future, for their countries and the world. They constituted a coalition - The Third World - to pursue an agenda for a decolonized world order, with commitments to human rights, equality and self determination.

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ONLINE | Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Part III: Would Build Back Better Burn Billion$?
6:00 PM18:00

ONLINE | Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Part III: Would Build Back Better Burn Billion$?

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This panel was preceded by Hoodwinked in the Hothouse I: Examining False Corporate Schemes being advanced through the Paris Agreement and by Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Part II: Frontline Voices of Indigenous Resistance beyond Climate False Solutions. The recording of these events is available here and here.

With federal and state governments poised to provide billions in climate subsidies, policy incentives and tax breaks to dangerous and dirty energy industries such as biomass and waste incinerators; nuclear power, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure for fossil-fuel facilities, frontline and environmental justice communities around the world are facing increased pollution burdens and toxic threats.

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Just Sustainabilities in Policy, Planning and Practice
4:00 PM16:00

Just Sustainabilities in Policy, Planning and Practice

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr. Julian Agyeman, Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, and Fletcher Professor of Rhetoric and Debate at Tufts University, is one of the leading thinkers in environmental justice and food justice. In this talk, Julian will outline the concept of just sustainabilities as a response to the ‘equity deficit’ of much sustainability thinking and practice. He will explore his contention that who can belong in our cities will ultimately determine what our cities can become. He will illustrate his ideas with examples from urban planning and design, the ‘Minneapolis Paradox’ and food justice.

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Dream Garden in the Anthropocene: Studio Talk N°1 by Beau Bree Rhee
4:00 PM16:00

Dream Garden in the Anthropocene: Studio Talk N°1 by Beau Bree Rhee

The presentation will go in-depth about the ideas, research & activities that Dream Garden in the Anthropocene encompasses, as well as documentation photos. In Spring 2021 I have been diagramming, researching, drawing, writing a very long text, clearing, regenerating soil, speaking to my grandmother, caring, learning, planting with the help of friends & The New School community. The land is a 0.2 acre lot of land on Eastern Long Island or Paumanok, NY I acquired this year. I hope you can join us!

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Confronting Colonialism: Urgent Haudenosaunee Reclamation Battles
6:00 PM18:00

Confronting Colonialism: Urgent Haudenosaunee Reclamation Battles

We are on Native Land. We uplift the health of the land and her people by centering Indigenous sovereignty and First Nations rights. This North East bioregion, so called New York State, is home to many neighboring Native nations. Today we will focus on Haudenosaunee liberation and struggle. As Indigenous people and allies, we fight to ensure a beautiful thriving future for the next seven generations. We can restore and uphold the most thorough care for the ground we stand on.

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Nourishing Communities of Life: Indigenous Resurgence beyond Syndemic Violence & Earth Crisis
6:00 PM18:00

Nourishing Communities of Life: Indigenous Resurgence beyond Syndemic Violence & Earth Crisis

This panel gathers voices from diverse key projects from across Abya Yala and Turtle Island (‘the Americas’) that embody real solutions based on decolonizing communal alternatives. Indigenous communality and reciprocity forms the basis of projects to reconstitute territories of life. Such projects are real, decolonizing solutions to intersecting “syndemic” crises of health, environment/climate, food and systemic violence (including state and corporate violence).

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WTF is Going on with Spirituality
12:00 PM12:00

WTF is Going on with Spirituality

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We believe that spirituality and faith are the foundation of sustainability and a stepping stone as we reclaim liberation. And yet, they are consistently left out of general sustainability conversation. Join us for a panel discussion on “WTF is Going on with Spirituality?” with some incredible community members and leaders from the Faithfully Sustainable and Sustainable Brooklyn communities, as we reclaim and recenter BIPOC sustainability across various faiths and spiritualities from Islam, Buddhism, and Sikhi to Indigenous ancestral spiritual pathways! The conversation will cover topics from activism to agriculture to fashion to wellness and more as they relate to panelists’ experiences and worldviews

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[EXTERNAL] Sustainability Return on Impact Symposium
to Dec 9

[EXTERNAL] Sustainability Return on Impact Symposium

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tuesday and Wednesday December 8-9, 2020

8:30am- 3:30pm Mountain Standard Time

Join us as we gather renowned thought leaders with a sustainable economic, social, and environmental focus to share emerging best practices and standards for actionable and meaningful business outcomes and impact.

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Centering Mesoamerican, Indigenous and Caribbean Presence, Voices and Knowledges in the University
4:00 PM16:00

Centering Mesoamerican, Indigenous and Caribbean Presence, Voices and Knowledges in the University

  • Tishman Environment and Design Center, The New School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Mesoamerican, Indigenous, and Caribbean Cultures Initiative (MICCI) invites you to join its inaugural panel and roundtable discussion on why it is indispensable, timely and, indeed, urgent for us to center and amplify the presence, voices and knowledges of Mesoamerican, Indigenous and Caribbean peoples across university spaces today. The panel will feature Leonardo Figueroa Helland, Chair and Associate Professor of Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management.

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[External] Energy Democracy and the Green New Deal
3:00 PM15:00

[External] Energy Democracy and the Green New Deal

Wildfires, hurricanes, famines, and the pandemic – we live on a planet already in deep ecological crisis, with worse to come if today’s climate inaction, soaring inequality, and state violence continue. To shift things and win a just transition, we need ambitious planning and abundant struggle.

Proposals from around the world for a Green New Deal have highlighted the need to win popular control of the infrastructures of energy production and distribution. Fossil capitalism must be shut down since further production of coal, oil, and gas will doom the planet to climate chaos. Meanwhile, construction of renewable energy must be massively accelerated.

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[EXTERNAL] Careers in Utilities Week Roundtable Discussion
12:30 PM12:30

[EXTERNAL] Careers in Utilities Week Roundtable Discussion

To recognize “Careers in Utilities Week” taking place in New Jersey from October 19-23, 2020, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) invites job seekers interested in New Jersey's utility or clean energy sectors to a virtual roundtable event on Tuesday, October 20. During this one-hour forum, expert panelists will discuss how the utility sector has been affected by COVID-19, how the state’s utility workforce is playing an integral role in delivering essential services throughout the pandemic, and how the sector – boosted by growing clean energy jobs – can serve as a boon to New Jersey’s economic recovery.

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[EXTERNAL] What Will It Take to End Violence Against Women: A Dialogue on New Paradigms for Our Era
11:00 AM11:00

[EXTERNAL] What Will It Take to End Violence Against Women: A Dialogue on New Paradigms for Our Era

The World Health Organization calls violence against women “a global health problem of epidemic proportions.” Despite increased attention to this issue, the current approach is not working for women and girls, men, or the communities in which they live.

What will it take to end violence against women? This critical conversation brings together leaders from Black Women’s Blueprint and Men Stopping Violence – U.S. organizations that work across borders, genders, and movements – to reimagine models for violence prevention.

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A New York Green Amendment: Balancing power and equity for EJ communities
4:30 PM16:30

A New York Green Amendment: Balancing power and equity for EJ communities

We are pleased to invite you to join us for presentations on “The Green Amendment” and environmental justice in New York State. With our partners, we have moved legislation forward that would make clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment a constitutional right in New York State. These presentations will speak to the transformational difference environmental constitutionalism can make for environmental justice communities.

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Discussion Series: Racial Equity, Social Justice & Sustainability [EXTERNAL EVENT]
3:00 PM15:00

Discussion Series: Racial Equity, Social Justice & Sustainability [EXTERNAL EVENT]

AASHE stands in solidarity with the Black community and everyone fighting for racial equality and social justice (RESJ). We recognize that to be silent on issues of injustice of any kind, is to be complicit. We encourage faculty, administrators, staff, and students to start and continue conversations about the role higher education plays in creating and perpetuating racial injustice. We’ve assembled a list of resources related to understanding race, sustainability and anti-racism. This is intended to be a living document so please add to this list of RESJ Resources for the Higher Education Sustainability Community.

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Black Trauma & Racism: The Impact on Social Determinants of Health [EXTERNAL EVENT]
1:00 PM13:00

Black Trauma & Racism: The Impact on Social Determinants of Health [EXTERNAL EVENT]

Our monthly "Green Table Talk" session will feature a virtual panel of experts discussing the intersection of environmental racism, Black trauma and the devastating impact on the social determinants of health: socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood and physical environment, employment, social support networks, as well as access to health care.

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On the Frontlines: Black Lives Matter and Climate Justice [EXTERNAL EVENT]
7:00 PM19:00

On the Frontlines: Black Lives Matter and Climate Justice [EXTERNAL EVENT]

We'll be discussing the multiple frontlines faced by Black people, why it's critical for the climate movement to be part of the Black Lives Matter movement, and how climate activists can support Black Lives Matter. The panel will feature several organizers who do work addressing policing issues as well as environmental racism and climate justice.

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Perspectives on Climate Change & Public Health [EXTERNAL EVENT]
10:00 AM10:00

Perspectives on Climate Change & Public Health [EXTERNAL EVENT]

It is crucial that policymakers, scientists, and advocates fully consider the serious threat that climate change poses to public health. Our online conference, co-sponsored by NYU Law's State Energy & Environmental Impact Center, will explore perspectives at the intersection of both fields. Experts from around the country will discuss climate-related health problems and some of the barriers working against the full consideration of health impacts in climate and environmental policy.

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Turning the Heat Report Release [EXTERNAL]
9:00 AM09:00

Turning the Heat Report Release [EXTERNAL]

Heat is generally difficult to predict and harder to communicate, but it threatens the lives of New Yorkers every year. Last summer, our Forefront Fellows partnered with the Mayor’s Office of Resiliency to explore public health risks posed by extreme heat. Our digital report, Turning the Heat: Resiliency in New York City’s Heat-Vulnerable Neighborhoods, compiles creative design, policy, and finance recommendations to address heat risk across the five boroughs.

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